The Badlands
The Badlands are a huge area running
Aftward of the Farrago and
Kharkosanth Frontier, and Coreward of
the Core Commonwealth and
Bjaki Federation. Spinward, they butt
up to the Cold Frontier. Harsh, stormy, dangerous, disrupted,
and unpredictable, the Badlands are home to worlds scattered
between radiation storms and strange cosmic phenomena that make
travel dangerous. An exceptional area for studying violent
astrological phenomena, it is often a less than desirable place
to live. Political
The Badlands are sparsely populated but not uninhabited. Being
intrinsically dangerous and difficult to travel, they are
typically inhabited by fugitives, the abandoned, anyone looking
to get lost, and those looking to make big money from big
Trade & Technology
Trade in the Badlands is limited to non-existent. Markets are
small and isolated and local technology limitations make trade a
difficult and dangerous proposition. Technology and trade goods
are occasionally imported by private merchants on high-risk
speculative runs, though the major galactic
empires and
corporations have little use for the limited market potential in
the Badlands.
Technology in the Badlands tends
to be somewhat backwater, dated, and threadbare. The limited
technology in turn makes trade more difficult between worlds.
Because trade is difficult, the spread of technology tends to be
limited. The whole sector tends to stagnate in isolated pockets
of civilization, individual societies tending to their own
unique development curves derived from or maintained from
original settler cultures. Development is slow.
For the Badlands, the pre-historic Dark Age was not so much an
inconvenience as a modern, everyday occurrence. The Badlands are dotted with
worlds settled with good intentions and hurriedly abandoned due
to the harsh inconvenience of the area. There are examples of
worlds colonized and abandoned by
Iliene, and