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Native Life
Cudgel is a hard, rocky planet sparsely vegetated with scrub and small trees. It features a variety of species adapted to life in their Spartan environment.


Large, predatory birds. They are the top of the avian food-web.


Big, slow, powerful mammals with a long, flat, toothy snout. These omnivores are all claws and teeth but generally dig through loose rock and dirt for roots, bugs, and small critters. Not especially aggressive at a distance, they defend their solitude aggressively when challenged. 


Mid-sized mammals that hunt in large packs. Tend to coral and surround their prey.


Small to mid-sized mammals that live and hunt in small packs. They are fast and ferocious with razor sharp claws.


Small, fast lizards that generate a relatively mild, natural nerve toxin. They live on a diet of bugs and small Beraku and are consumed by larger predators such as the Ghan and Hydratl.


Slow, lumbering, mid-sized lizards capable of short bursts of speed. Their bite carries a strong bio-toxin. Wolf sized, aggressive and territorial. They have an effective natural camouflage that makes them difficult to see at a distance. They eat pretty much anything in their vicinity, including carrion, Stingtails and their eggs, Beraku, and unwary wanderers. 


Large, fleet grazing mammals. Predominant food source for the Shanoden and Dhogi.


Fast, small, six-legged mammals that breed aggressively and voraciously eat anything. A major food-source.


Mid-sized, slow vegetarian mammals. A major food source for both native life and, farmed in herds, for Cudgels galactic residents.

Primitive, native nomads that live and wander within one of several tribes. Not much interest has been generated by the Ith until recently when several anthropological studies have begun.

They are long, muscular, and loping with pronounced shins and forearms. Dark skinned. Wide, flat, bald head with a prominent forehead. Blonde, red, or brown hair in natural tones forms a wild handlebar unibrow and shaggy whiskery beard, shorter and trimmer on the chin but like hairy fire leaping from their cheeks. Their eyes are set under a heavy brow and are a violently bright yellow or orange with a disconcerting triangular pupil.

The Ith are tribal beings which seem to be of low intelligence. They have never given up their nomadic ways mostly because they don't want to, although the lack of decent building materials has always driven them to new locations. There seem to be few conflicts between tribes, although it may only appear this way because no one ever bothered to watch. Their weapons tend to be simple and oriented toward hunting rather than war. Their hunters and shamans are known to use a variety of natural toxins and substances on their weapons.

Primarily nomadic, they spend most of their time wandering the earth but will stop and form temporary villages for a season or two if the tribe likes a certain spot. Tribes are broken into a bunch of sub-tribes that wander and live separately, merging or meeting occasionally. Professional traders run between known locations of various tribes exchanging goods. There are occasions when various groups meet, whether one tribe unites or members of various tribes congregate. They are creatures of the rocky plains and can become virtually invisible at any reasonable distance when they choose to be.

Like most worlds, Cudgel has an incredible diversity of well-adapted plant life both banal and useful. 
MMOG codicil: this is limited for now... there will be better description and variety soon. Those with pharmaceutical/chemical skills can refine these into injectors for use by characters. They can supply stories about the local drug trade and how some of the local military is hooked on local stimulants.
Bloodmoss A moss that is said to gradually absorbs certain poisons from wounds, hasten teh healing process, and prevent scarring of the wound. Older types often prescribe it in tea form to prevent "hurt" in relationships.
Diaffany Increases concentration and energy. A spice from tumours within the stalk of the Diaffanid plant. The Diaffanid absorbs various salts from the soil and , when it has too much salt and not quite enough water, creates tumourous masses composed of salts, proteins, and amino acids that make up Diaffany. The more care taken in removing more tumour and less stalk, the more concentrated the taste and effect of the spice. 
Malthuric Strength, pain killer, numbs mind, addictive. Controlled but used by local military and bandits. Blackmarket.
Sweetleaf Heal when ingested or injected
Tsyrin Mind expander, kills dexterity, succulent