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Kharkosanth Empire Government

Tribunes, Magistrates, and Wardens

The government of the Kharosanth Empire is made up of a series of Representative Tribunals. Each Tribune represents an area of interest, from Agriculture, to the arts, to Exploration and Expansion. Each Tribune is composed of 10 members, called Magistrates, who earn the right to sit on the Tribune through action and deed: a complex rating system having been developed over the years to measure the relative merit of those who claim to be experts in a particular field. There are also complex rules for the formation, development, and ratification of new Tribunes.

All Tribunes are essentially Empirical, making decisions and acting on a Empire-wide scale. Members of the Tribunes generally reside on Cyarkos itself, and the Tribunes formally meet and make decisions there. Tribunes appoint Imperial Wardens to carry out their decisions and can bestow sufficient rights and powers on them to implement their plans. Imperials Wardens can likewise appoint Provincial Wardens. For example, the Agricultural Tribunal on Cyarkos may determine that Jangijul is capable of providing a higher export of crops to support the colony on Scryon. They would appoint one or more Imperial Wardens on Jangijul to ensure that takes place. The Imperial Wardens would then determine what crops are most appropriate to focus on and the geographic areas that are best suited to producing them. They would appoint local Provincial Wardens to organize and carry out the plan. 

Wardens are generally experts in the area they are called to represent. They are often drawn from the local population and are active in the area of specialty they will preside over. The local population that the Warden presides over have a Right of Recall, through their local Mayor or Governor, if they feel the Warden's actions are not in their best interest.

Several Tribunes hold particular clout. The Tribune of Scientific Development oversees the IDC, which drives a lot of the Empire's scientific development and trade. The Tribune of Military Affairs advises the Emperor on the proper structure, development, and deployment of the Imperial Fury.  The Expansionist Tribune was formed during the Expansionist Movement and sets much of the Imperial policy on exploration, colonization, and invasion. The Judicial Tribune sets the laws under which the Empire operates and oversees elections.

The Emperor, Governors, and Mayors
The Emperor Elect is in charge of the Kharkosanth Empire. They oversee,  co-ordinate, and advise the Magistrates of the Representative Tribunals. He is elected by the entire population of the Empire once every 5 years.

Governors Elect are in charge of planets. They oversee,  co-ordinate, and advise  the Imperial Wardens and answer to the Emperor Elect. Each planet determines how often Gubernatorial Elections are carried out, with every 5 years co-inciding with the election of the Emperor being almost universal.

Mayors Elect are in charge of cities, settlements, and geographic areas. They oversee,  co-ordinate, and advise the Provincial Wardens and answer to the Governor. Each city determines how often Mayoral Elections are carried out, with either 1 or 2 years being most common.

Kharkosanth law allows for the formation of Tributaries by the Emperor, Tribunals, Governors, Mayors, and Wardens. Tributaries are independently functioning organizations that answer to level of government under which they were formed.

Imperial Design Core (IDC) - an Imperial Tributary answering directly to the Tribunal of Scientific Development. The IDC acts almost as an independent corporation designing and developing technology for the benefit of the Empire and the Imperial Fury. Some technology is kept directly for the benefit of the Empire, while other technology is manufactured and sold for profit.

Imperial Fury - The Kharkosanth starfleet and ground forces are collectively known as the Imperial Fury and answer directly to the Emperor. The Imperial Fury is further divided into three areas of specialty. The Starforce includes the military, scientific, and merchant ships of the Kharkosanth Empire. Its high commander is still referred to as "The Black Admiral" in honour of Cyarkos Rhulson. The Groundforce acts as Imperial police, troops, and security forces. The "Little Fleet" is highly secretive and draws members of the other two chains of command to provide special forces, intelligence services, and security for the Emperor. 

The original government of the Kharkosanth Empire was, of course, Cyarkos Rhulson. When Rhulson and his Little Fleet disappeared from the wargames in the Balinino system, he declared that he and his military would rule absolutely until they founded a settlement in the NK1901 system, at which point a Provisional Government would take over, as devised and run by the people he had chosen to accompany him.

Upon forming the Cyarkos settlement, the Provisional Government of the Kharkosanth took over from Rhulson's military. The Tribunal system was set in place, though it had only 5 members on each Tribune at the time, with a Governor Elect chosen by popular vote to oversee and direct the operation of the Tribunes. Rhulson himself was offered to be appointed the first Governor Elect post but he refused in order to maintain his standing and focus as head of the Little Fleet.

The addition of the position of Emperor Elect and devising of the local Governor Elect positions came about with the Expansionist Movement in Archaic Times. It was determined that a working system needed to be in place before any colonization or conquest could occur. Audron Skaliu, governor of Cyarkos, was appointed as the first Emperor of the Kharkosanth Empire. The Judicial Tribune, Tribune of Military Affairs, and the Judicial Tribune were all formed at this time. The Karkosanth starfleet, still known as the "Little Fleet" then became a Tributary organization under the Tribune of Military Affairs known officially as the Imperial Starforce.